導航:首頁 > 抵押擔保 > oneday是哪個電影的歌


發布時間:2024-06-11 12:54:41

⑴ ogiyodiora 這首歌的名字是什麼意思 應該是韓文吧 有知道的朋友麻煩給解答一下 多謝多謝^_^


Lee Tzsche

Your eyes are clear enough to see through
The drops of sweet sweat shimmer on the night sky
Finding delights will lead you to the light
It never shines when you stop and cry

Sun is rising and down
Moon does all the same dance
Roads tell us how to reach the sky
Sun is rising and down
Moon does all the same dance
Roads in between us become one


See the wind blows back and the rain comes close
So, why don't we row the boat again

Even stars are living on there own
With shining all secrets without any lines
From one by one, we have different breath
But, now there is no yours and mine

Sun is rising and down
Moon does all the same dance
Roads tell us how to reach the sky
Sun is rising and down
Moon does all the same dance
Roads in between us become one

If you find out the simle of the river, oneday
Means that our smile's come, too

Forget I do, forget we do and throw all away

See the wind has gone and the rain faded out
So, why don't we row again
See the wind blows back and the rain comes close
Why don't we row the boat again




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