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發布時間:2024-08-07 09:34:25

① 柯林頓和他妻子故事英語作文

George Washington,born February 22,1732 in Virginia.He was a natural leader.In America,everybody calls him "the father of his country."
When George Washington was young,his father gave him a hatchet(短柄斧)He tried to cut down a cherry tree with it.His father noticed the cuts on the tree,and asked his son how they got there."I cannot tell a lie," George said,"I did it with my hatchet." Perhaps George Washington had no hatchet,and perhaps there were no cherry trees where he grew up.However,George Washington today represents honesty,and cherry pies have become a favorite food associated with his birthday.
George Washington was a very excellent president in America.I am very respect him .I hope the next president will like George Washington!

② 我妻子的朋友2女主角叫什麼




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