⑴ 父母經濟擔保英文書
1. 網路上有經濟擔保書的樣本,直接下載套用。
2. 填好後,寄回老家叫你父母簽字,其中銀行出具的文件可以委託家鄉的親戚朋友代為辦理。
⑵ 去美留學,要存款證明,款存在父母名下,得寫個英文說明來證明我們的關系,怎麼寫呢
如果你這個存款證明是給學校看的 那隻要你爸媽寫一封 affidavit of support就可以了 然後簽字。 如果這個存款證明是簽證時候用 也不用寫什麼關系說明 帶上戶口本什麼的 簽證官根本就不相信我國的任何公正類文件。。。。
p.s 我沒網路id 正好看到你這個問題 所以就來回答了- -|||
⑶ 父母的的英語翻譯
parent 父親或者母親
parents 雙親
⑷ 父母的英文縮寫是什麼
⑸ 父母擔保信英文怎麼翻譯
Letter of Supporting by Parents 父母擔保信
或者不加by Parents 直接說Letter of Supporting也行,轉在正文中提到父母。
⑹ 向父母借錢英文短語
Some students decide to borrow some money from parents and send Li mei a gift.
I don't think it's a good way to make friends.If you want to give her a gift,use your own money.
But gift isn't the only way to make friends,a smile or a help can also get the same result.
Real friends don't depend on money.
⑺ 把我獎學金的一部分給我爸媽英文
Nowadays,the tuition paid for the university has became the focus.There are some different instances.
Most of the students are helped by their parents and the tuition paid by parents.Some students get lend from the banks and pay back when they have income.Some students make part working and pay it by themselves.Others pay it by their scholarship.
In my opinion ,if we have the ability to pay the tuition ,we can afford it by ourselves.But if we don't have the ability ,we can pay it by parents' help.After all ,the study must be put in the first place and we can pay back to our parents after we graate from university.
⑻ 20分!求父母銀行流水法語翻譯啊!急急急啊!請專業人士和熱心人士幫忙翻譯以下內容,不甚感激啊!!!
Wuhan commerciale rurale Relevés de comptes bancaires pour les particuliers
Imprimer le corps
Nom de l'organisme: Wuhan Rural Commercial Bank Shipai Ridge Direction
Date de la transaction
Carte / Compte
Compte de paiement
Résumé contenu
Crédit survenue
Numéro certificat
Circuits commerciaux
Numéro de série
Conteur d'exploitation
Du montant de la facture de
Banque contre
Wuhan Rural Commercial Bank économies Sceau Direction Ridge Totally
⑼ 翻譯:你可以向你父母借錢