導航:首頁 > 貸款對象 > 個人申請貸款書英語作文


發布時間:2022-03-31 18:01:55

Ⅰ 個人銀行貸款申請書怎麼寫


本人是____ ____ (單位)人員____,現任職務____,家庭平均月收入____元,為購買____________(公司)開發的商品住房(商鋪) ___套,房產編號為____________,特向貴行申請住房(商鋪)按揭貸款____萬元,期限____年,並同意以所購房產抵押給貴單位(行),作為償還與貴單位(行)簽定的借款合同項下借款保證;同意貴單位(行)通過人民銀行個人徵信系統查詢本人信息,了解本人資信情況。本著誠實守信的原則,本人申明該套房產是家庭以貸款(不含公積金貸款)所購的第____套住房。

本人按照貴行要求在所在分____ (支)行開立了還款帳戶,帳號為________________,並保證在每期還款日和貸款到期日前足額存入當期還本付息項,同時授權貸款人於每月還款日和貸款到期日從該帳戶中扣收貸款本息(包括逾期利息及罰息);如果更換還款帳戶,本人將及時提供新的帳戶資料;如果帳戶內資金不足並出現拖欠貸款現象,本人接受貴單位(行)的所有合法催收措施並自願承擔一切後果。


Ⅱ 誰會寫貸款申請的英語作文,寫一篇給我,謝謝你!拜託各位大神

Dear Sir/Madame, I am a sophomore in Beijing University, majoring in computer science. I am writing to apply for a financial aid for my study in college. I would like to explain more about my situation here. Since I registered here, the expenses have been exerting a negative impact on my study. My mother has suddenly fallen ill and is expecting a major operation. It is beyond my parents ability to finance me through my remaining ecation and the income I make from my part-time jobs is far from sufficient to finance my own tuition fees. Hence, it is essential for me to get a loan of no less than 10,000 yuan. If my application is approved, all the money will go to my tuition and fees for the coming academic year. From the part-time job opportunities offered by programs in my school, I will be able to earn more than enough to cover my daily expenses. I have a very good credit record. In addition, lenovo, a computer company, has shown great interests in a software that I designed and promised me a 5000 Yuan monthly salary to start with if I decide to pursue my career there after graation. So, I can definitely guarantee a repayment of my loan in the coming three years. I would be greatly obliged if my application is granted. Many thanks. Yours sincerely, Li Ming

Ⅲ 寫一篇有關貸款的英語作文 ,寫明申請原因,數額1000,用途以及如何打算還款。急求,拜託了!

A letter of application for a student loan.
To whom it may concern,
I am writing to you to apply for a student loan. As a grade one studentsfrom the English Department, I continue to study the financial difficulties.Now apply for a loan of 1000 yuan!
There are five members in my family. My father is a pillar of the whole family, my mother laid off two years ago. My grandmother suffered fromchronic disease for more than five years. My brother is learning in high school now. I took a part-time job ring the summer vacation, but my income is far from enough for my tuition. In order to continue my study, I want to apply for a student loan.
If my application is approved, I will make good use of the money, the heartof me. I will repay loans on time according to the repayment terms. I hope you can consider my application. Looking forward to your reply.
Yours sincerely,


Ⅳ 關於貸款的英文作文

A Letter of Application for a Student Loan.

To whom it may concern,

I am writing to you to apply for a student loan. As a freshman from the English Department, I have financial difficulties in continuing my study.

There are five members in my family. My father is the only breadwinner of the whole family while my mother was laid off two years ago. My grandmother has been suffering a chronic illness for more than five years. My younger brother is now studying in high school. I took some part time jobs ring the summer vacation, but what I have earned is far from enough for me to pay the required tuition fees. In order to continue my study, I have to apply for a student loan.

If my application is approved, I will make good use of the money and put my heart into study. I will definitely pay back the loan on time according to the terms of repayment. I hope that you will consider my application. Looking forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,


Ⅳ 個人申請貸款書怎麼寫


Ⅵ 關於國家助學貸款寫一篇英語作文

The job category titled 「personal selling」 really encompasses a wide variety of positions and responsibilities. Many marketing students as well as others in the general public may not appreciate these variations, however, since their image of selling is conditioned by the stereotype portrayed in movies, television shows, and cartoons (Thompson 1972, Swan and Adkins 1980-81). This image, however misunderstood, presents a very narrow view of selling, thwarts the appeal of a selling job as the start of a professional career path in marketing.
In fact, existent selling jobs encompass a wide range of ties, behaviors, and challenges. Various taxonomies of sales positions have been proposed to reflect the diversity in this job (McMurray 1961, Monerief 1966, Newtou 1973), while other studies have focused on job characteristics which differ among types of sales jobs (Moore, Eckrich, and Corlson 1986; Wotruba and Simpson 1990) These contributions are static in nature, however, and do not reflect how the selling process is changing or how the focus of selling behavior has evolved to outgrow those old stereotypes. Investigations of changes in behavior as indivial salespeople progress through their careers represent a more dynamic analysis (Jolson 1974; Cren 1984) but consider changes in the job』s incumbent only and not changes in the selling job itself.
Powers et al.(1987) described the historical origins and early practices of selling prior to 1900, and Power, Kcehler, Martin(1988) continued this overview from 1900 to 1949.These perspectives showed distinct differences in the practice of selling in different time periods, particularly when they corresponded with changes in economic conditions and associated competitive and market variations. Dawson (1970) offered a view of how sales management evolved from the proction era to a sales era, a marketing era, and will finally evolve to a human era, noting some changes associated with the typical salesperson at each stage as well. Fullerton (1988) disputed this categorization of eras, however, showing how marketing was an integral part of business success for numerous firms and instries ring early periods termed the 「proction」 era. Wotruba (1980) and Jolson (1980) discussed changes in the selling environment and how instrial selling was responding in terms of becoming more professional and managerial in nature. Sohurr (1987) suggested that approaches to effective selling arc evolving from closed and indirect techniques to consultative selling and finally to relational contracting. Cespedes, Doyle, and Freedman (1989) noted and illustrated some major shifts in selling toward the use of selling teams.
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Ⅶ 求一篇關於學生校園貸款的英語作文,六級考試能用的


Ⅷ 助學貸款申請信(英語作文)


Ⅸ 請問英文的「銀行貸款申請書」怎麼寫



今年製品廠改擴建任務計劃約8000萬-10000萬,10條生產線分布在甘肅,新疆的等地,目前已基本完成主體部分.因製品廠秋季生產銷售到歐洲市場,結算外匯要到明年上半年.製品廠由於計劃投資6條生產線。今年根據已簽定的國外訂單,要新增到10條生產線才能完成任務,製品廠承諾今年只支付土建工程款6000萬元,剩餘部分由XX公司擔保. 根據今年我公司資金安排計劃,須向你行申請流動資金貸款2000萬元,期限一年.貸款用於XXX有限公司改擴建土建項目流動資金周轉(付工程款、材料款),用XXXX有限公司在明年六月底以前支付的工程款歸還。



Ⅹ 假定你是李華正在一所高中學習因家庭困難的申請學校的借貸款寫一份英語作文

Dear president and teachers,

Best wishes!
It has been a great honor to have you as my physical and mental guidance. I feel really grateful to have the opportunity to study in this school. I wake up everydayto find myself surrounded by so many lovely and friendly teachersand classmates. It is wonderful to live and study in such a harmonious andhappy paradise. I enjoy every moment studying and playing with them.I have become used to getting up early in the morning to study with myroommates have made myself interested in learning. I have fallen in lovewith everything connected to this school. Departing with it will be as hard and miserable asliving without any food, which frightens me from hair totoe. Learning in this school is everything to me.
However, what happened lately makes me feel that I may have to leavethis school and kiss my school life goodbye forever. My dad has just losthis job recently and to make it worse our family has to handle the heavymedical expense spent on my grandfather, which means that there willbe little financial support for my study. As longas I think of that, I feel as if there would be no light and hope in my life any more. Atthis very moment,your kind and generous figures come into my mind. You have alwaysbeen so friendly to me and make this school like the second home to liveand study. Therefore, could you lend me a hand to help me out of thisdifficult situation so that I can keep on studying in your school to make my learning dreamcontinue? Please trust me that your financial support for me will be totally worth it. I will try my best to workharder to make my school proud of me.

Your sincere student
Li Hua



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