導航:首頁 > 貸款期限 > 貸款期限一年英文


發布時間:2022-03-10 15:17:50

『壹』 英語翻譯:貸款期限是評估信用風險中的一個基本因素

Loan time is a a basic factor of credit risk evaluation.

『貳』 有一年期限的貸款嗎

若持有招行儲蓄卡,可登錄招行手機銀行,點擊 首頁→全部→貸款→我要借錢→好期貸 嘗試申請小額貸款
借款金額: 最低不少於500元,最高20萬元,但具體額度多少以您申請通過後系統顯示的結果為准;
還款方式: 等額本息還款;
借款期限: 支持3、6、12、18、24 個月分期;
借款費用: 日利率參考為0.045%,請以界面實際顯示為准;不收取平台服務費。

『叄』 貸款期限(月數)怎麼填


『肆』 英文翻譯(請幫我翻譯一下以下的內容)

Study abroad foreign exchange loan is the Bank of China issued to the borrower, used for solving the ecation of people go abroad for master or above degree required tuition and living expenses of the foreign exchange loan. Credit limit : no more than the total costs ( tuition fee and normal living expenses ) 80%, single amount of the principle of no more than 40000 dollars. The term of the loan : generally one to six year lending rate: according to the Bank of China the same grade loan rates. The period within a year ( including one year ), according to the contract interest rate, met the statutory rate adjustment, the contract interest rate unchanged; the term is over one year, if the interest rate adjustment, according to the Bank of China interest rate adjustment on the provisions for the adjustment of interest rate. Loan conditions: ( a ) at least 18 years of age, with full civil capacity of natural person; ( two) a local resident accounts or valid residency, fixed and detailed address; ( three) providing overseas school official admission notice or receive a letter, learning period required tuition proof material; ( four) may provide our Bank approved collateral, pledge, guarantee guarantee or purchase performance guarantee insurance; ( five) to less than 20% of the funds raised by oneself;

『伍』 貸款期限為一年的做長期借款還是短期借款科目




『陸』 貸款期限用英文怎麼說

Loan term

Loan term

『柒』 we2000貸款期限一年是什麼意思

1. 身份證件(居民身份證、戶口本或其它有效居留證件);
2. 我行認可部門出具的借款經濟收入或償債能力證明;
3. 符合規定的購買住房合同意向書、協議或其它批准文件;
4. 開發商開具的首期付款證明;
5. 抵押物或質...

『捌』 貸款期限是什麼意思,我寫的是1年。誰能解釋一下嗎


『玖』 貸款期限(月數)怎麼填


『拾』 貸款期 英語

1 Is the down-payment loan terminable?
2 What impact does the down-payment loan service have on real estate market?



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