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發布時間:2021-11-30 16:17:17

⑴ 求助:現急需一篇關於消費信貸的外文及中文翻譯,大約兩千字哦,本人不甚感激




Consumer credit is indivials and families to meet the indivial needs of (real estate mortgage exceptions) the credit, and credit the contrary. Consumer credit is a commercial enterprises, banks or other financial institutions to provide the indivial consumer credit. Mainly for consumers to purchase consumer rable goods (such as furniture, household appliances, automobiles, etc.), housing and various services.

Consumer Credit There are two basic types: closed-end credit and open credit. Closed-end credit refers to a period of time with the same amount of outstanding debt, scores of the way. Open credit is the cycle of loans, partial payment in accordance with the regular mail to pay bills.
Closed-end credit:
● mortgage
● car loans
● installment loans (installment sales contracts, staging a one-time cash payment of credit and credit)
Open credit:
● tourism and entertainment cards
● overdraft protection
● cards issued by the department store and bank cards (with China UnionPay, Visa Visa, MasterCard MasterCard)

Consumer credit in the form of a major: ① credit. Retailers to provide consumers with the short-term credit, that is, using the deferred payment of goods sold. Western countries have adopted more than credit cards, regularly clearing settlement. ② instalments. Consumers in the purchase of high-grade consumer goods, pay only part of the purchase price and interest rate increase by contract to pay the remaining phases of money. If consumers can not repay outstanding obligations on time, their purchases of goods will be resumed, and no refund payments made. ③ consumer loans. Diyafangkuan Xinyongfangkuan or through banks and credit card, check guarantee card, and other ways to provide consumers with loans. Consumer credit can be divided into the seller and the buyer's credit loan, which is the purchase of consumer goods direct loans while the latter is for mortgage instalments alone, sales of consumer goods for commercial enterprises loans, or by the bank to Credit goods sold commercial enterprises signed contracts, the cash purchase price paid in the form of commercial enterprises.

Consumer credit is generated and the presence of the development of social proction and people's changing consumption structure of the objective requirements, to a certain extent, can alleviate the limited purchasing power of consumers and constantly improve the lives of the conflict between the needs of opening up markets, promote the proction and circulation. Have a positive effect. However, the purchasing power of consumers in the future ahead of the advance, often causing a temporary false demand, proction and consumption to cover up the contradictions between.


[詞典] petty loan;
Morris plan bank We will expand export credit insurance and provide more support for export.

⑶ 消費信貸 是什麼意思啊


⑷ 急求關於消費信貸的英文文獻及其翻譯!!3000字母就夠!!!急求!!!多懸賞分!!!!

Consumer credit counseling services offer 「real」 credit counseling with thoughtful solutions to help you get out of debt. Our services include debt management plans, credit counseling, bill consolidation programs and credit restoration resources that anyone in financial trouble can use. There are many ways to resolve financial difficulties and debt management plans or credit counseling are just a few ways we can help.

⑸ 關於開展個人消費信貸的指導意見怎麼翻譯

Carry out the indivial consumer credit guidance

⑹ 貸款 英文怎麼說

貸款: [ dài kuǎn ]

1. loan
2. to (provide a) loan

<credit (CR;CRD)> <accommodation> <borrowing> <lend> <loans> <lent> <lending>

1. 你什麼時候付清最後一期分期貸款?
When will you pay the last installment of the loan?

2. 這家銀行現在給客戶貸款比以前多了。
The bank is accommodating its customers more than it used to.

3. 銀行拒絕再貸款給這家公司。
The bank refused further credits to the company.

4. 他們貸款收多少利息?
How much interest do they charge on loans?

5. 只需一筆貸款就能幫我擺脫困境。
A loan of money would help me out of my predicament.

6. 他不得不將土地抵押來申請貸款。
He will have to mortgage his land for a loan.

7. 他設法弄到一筆貸款買了一棟房子。
He managed to secure a loan to purchase a house.

8. 他向銀行經理提出貸款問題。
He broached the subject of a loan with his bank manager.

⑺ 貸款用英語怎麼說

英 [ləʊn] 美 [loʊn]
詞彙難度:CET4 / 考研 / IELTS / TEM4 / TEM8 / BEC
第三人稱單數: loans 復數: loans 現在分詞: loaning 過去式: loaned 過去分詞: loaned

The country has no access to foreign loans or financial aid

I am in need of a loan of a bike for a few weeks

He had kindly offered to loan us all the plants required for the exhibit

Many of these are on display in the Museum, but some have been sent out on loan to other museums.

David Speedie, on loan from Southampton, scored his first goal for Birmingham

⑻ 各種「貸款」的英文詞彙

instrial loan
agricultural loan
outstanding loans
loan office
interest-free loans
ficiary loan
special-purpose loan


⑼ "小額貸款"怎麼翻譯




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