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发布时间:2021-04-26 08:40:32

『壹』 各种“贷款”的英文词汇

instrial loan
agricultural loan
outstanding loans
loan office
interest-free loans
ficiary loan
special-purpose loan


『贰』 贷款的英文是什么

provide a loane ,xtend credit to

『叁』 个人银行贷款申请书 (英语)


『肆』 请高手帮忙翻译成英文 银行贷款承诺书 根据贵公司提供的资料,我行承诺在具备我行贷款条件的前提下,对贵

Xx project provides 100 million credit support
This loan agreement only for your company to the relevant departments to explain the project loans the implementation. Such as the national policy changes, project construction schemes and investment plan the significant adjustment and the project owners to proce great business change and other factors lead to this project doesn't accord with our bank lending ability cannot achieve our requirements, above shall be approved by our commitment to determine.
This loan undertaking issued only original effective date, heavy, lasts for 5 years

『伍』 贷款 英文怎么说

贷款: [ dài kuǎn ]

1. loan
2. to (provide a) loan

<credit (CR;CRD)> <accommodation> <borrowing> <lend> <loans> <lent> <lending>

1. 你什么时候付清最后一期分期贷款?
When will you pay the last installment of the loan?

2. 这家银行现在给客户贷款比以前多了。
The bank is accommodating its customers more than it used to.

3. 银行拒绝再贷款给这家公司。
The bank refused further credits to the company.

4. 他们贷款收多少利息?
How much interest do they charge on loans?

5. 只需一笔贷款就能帮我摆脱困境。
A loan of money would help me out of my predicament.

6. 他不得不将土地抵押来申请贷款。
He will have to mortgage his land for a loan.

7. 他设法弄到一笔贷款买了一栋房子。
He managed to secure a loan to purchase a house.

8. 他向银行经理提出贷款问题。
He broached the subject of a loan with his bank manager.

『陆』 写一篇有关贷款的英语作文 ,写明申请原因,数额1000,用途以及如何打算还款。急求,拜托了!

A letter of application for a student loan.
To whom it may concern,
I am writing to you to apply for a student loan. As a grade one studentsfrom the English Department, I continue to study the financial difficulties.Now apply for a loan of 1000 yuan!
There are five members in my family. My father is a pillar of the whole family, my mother laid off two years ago. My grandmother suffered fromchronic disease for more than five years. My brother is learning in high school now. I took a part-time job ring the summer vacation, but my income is far from enough for my tuition. In order to continue my study, I want to apply for a student loan.
If my application is approved, I will make good use of the money, the heartof me. I will repay loans on time according to the repayment terms. I hope you can consider my application. Looking forward to your reply.
Yours sincerely,


『柒』 贷款申请英文怎么说


『捌』 给点关于中国汽车贷款发展的英文资料

China's central bank issues auto loans rules

The People's Bank of China, China's central bank, has issued draft rules on auto loans, a growing sector expected to give China's fast-accelerating car market a major boost.

The new regulations restrict the loan period to five years with maximum outlay of 80 per cent of the auto price, excluding taxes and insurance, the central bank said on its website.

Last month the China Banking Regulatory Commission gave the green light to General Motors Corp., Toyota Motor Corp. and Volkswagen AG to start offering car loans.

The three car giants are expected to set up auto-financing operations in China in about six months' time, the commission said.

Auto loans are forecast to increase by 80 billion yuan (US$9.6 billion) in 2003, up 71.6 billion yuan year-on-year from last year, according to a government report issued by the State Development and Reform Commission.

Over 100 billion yuan in loans were issued in 2002, according to state estimates, with China's big four banks -- China Construction Bank, Bank of China, Instrial and Commercial Bank of China and Agricultural Bank of China, controlling 90 per cent of the market.

The rules also provide regulatory guidelines for personal auto loans, distributor auto loans, group auto loans and risk management, the report said.

『玖』 银行贷款用英语怎么说

bank loans,英 [bæŋk ləʊn];美 [bæŋk loʊn]。









1)用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.

I have loaned his bicycle.


2)用作双宾动词S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.

Can you loan me your tennis racket?


3)用作名词 (n.)

The loan is interest free.




1、loan, lease, lend这组词都有“借出”的意思。其区别是:

lend 是最普通的用语,loan 指“贷与”“借与”,是财会上的正式用语,,一般不用于私人关系的借贷,但在美式英语中, loan 和lend两个词通用;lease一般指出租房屋、土地等不动产。





『拾』 急求一篇关于小微企业信用贷款的英文文献,要有中文翻译!!!急急急急急啊!!!

一.引言 小微企业在我国经济发展中发挥着越来越重要的作用。据统计,目前我国小 微企业数量已占到全国企业总数的99%以上,涵盖了国民经济的所有行业,它们对GDP的贡献率超过60%,对税收的贡献率超过50%,并提供了80%的城镇就业岗位,俨然成为国民经济的重中之重。 然而,资金紧缺、融资困难却一直制约着小微企业的发展壮大。一方面小微企业受自身规模小、固定资产少、会计制度不健全等问题困扰,不能给银行提供充足的抵押品和银行需要的相关材料;另一方面,管理不规范、制度不健全、信息不透明、信用不足也是制约小微企业从银行获得贷款的最大障碍。 以此为背景,笔者尝试对该领域内主要贡献者的观点及建议进行归纳,并梳理其理论逻辑,力求理解小微企业,进而提出对于信贷的建议。具体讲,从小微企业产生、发展和变迁的全过程看,它的特殊性究竟是什么?我们如何将其引导到一种理想的未来状态?大致从哪几方面着手?具体的应对措施及建议是什么?本文期望能为人们进一步寻求上述问题的答案提供一些有益的视角。 本文对文献的综述基本上按照论述对象的顺序转变安排进程。围绕企业,银行及政府三方面论述小微企业面临的现状及困境,对于整体的局势以及趋势有一个立体的了解并来提出部分建议。尽管文献的视角各不相同,但都是基于改善中国小微企业面临的困境,夯实发展基础的初衷。
二.小微企业面临的信贷困境及原因 融资渠道狭窄,融资困难。小微企业由于在投资规模、技术含量、竞争实力等方面处于弱势地位,获得和利用政策信息的渠道不通、能力不强,在融资方面难以享受与大中型企业的同等待遇[1]。目前小微企业融资渠道主要有银行、小额贷款公司、担保公司以及民间借贷等四种途径。即使国家出台相关优惠政策支持小微企业融资,但基于融资成本、审批流程的考虑,小微企业或更倾向于通过亲友借贷来解决融资需求,然而,资金规模却相当有限。根据田耘在经济研究导刊中发表的文章指出,国家统计局抽样调查的3.8 万家小微工业企业经营状况显示,仅有 15.5%的小微企业能够获得银行贷款,年资金缺口近300亿,近80%的小微企业面临资金紧张[2]。尽管微小企业融资呈现出“渠道多元化、来源社会化、行为市场化”的趋势,但总体规模偏小,资金偏紧,条件偏严。小微企业为了避免资金链断裂,不得不转向民间借贷。虽然民间贷款形式较多,但贷款利息高,条件苛刻,小微企业因为资金缺乏举步维艰,其中不少企业处于倒闭、停产、半停产状态,老板频频“跑路”、人心浮躁。
三.小微企业会计代理风险管理 作为一种有效的会计解决方案和新型的社会性会计服务项目,会计代理被越来越多的小微企业所青睐。然而,根据陈军所述,在会计代理过程中,各个相关主体都想使自己的利益得到最大化,于是就产生了各主体间的利益博弈关系[3];同时,会计代理制度不完善、委托人与会计代理机构之间信息不对称、会计代理机构进入门槛低、从业人员业务水平不高等原因的存在,使得会计代理给相关主体带来了多方面的风险:给小微企业带来财务管理风险和经营管理风险,给会计代理机构带来信誉风险,给相关客户带来经济利益风险,给国家带来税收征缴风险。那么如何加强小微企业会计代理风险管理,
四.基于银行视角的小微企业信贷 我国目前小微企业贷款的开展并不理想,除了极少数银行由于天时地利人和的原因成功走上规模效益道路之外,大部分银行都陷入了进退两难的境地。我国金融机构开展小微企业贷款真正实现盈利的不多,而把微贷业务作为自己核心业务的金融机构更是少之又少,那么如何真正使小微企业从银行等信贷机构获得资本,创造盈利呢? 目前,充分利用供应链和小微企业的特点开发而成的“供应链金融”模式成为解决小微企业融资难和商业银行增加新盈利渠道的双赢选择。杨海平,冯敏等认为,在供应链金融业务中,如何进行风险管理,从而有效控制和防范风险,是取得成功的关键所在[5]。而在供应链金融的风险管理中,信用风险是最为重要的问题,而且随着信用交易规模的扩大,信用风险越来越大。目前,供应链金融业务发展时间不长,根据彭凯,向宇的研究可以推得,商业银行对于此类业务信用风险的管理和控制尚未形成一套行之有效的方法,更没有完善的专门适用于供应链金融产品的小微企业信用风险评价体系[6]。因此,建立一套适用于基于供应链金融的小微企业信用风险评价指标体系是目前迫切需要解决的问题。 基于供应链金融的小微企业信用风险评价是商业银行为了从总体上分析小微企业的信用风险,不仅分析小微企业过去的信用和财务状况,同时分析小微企业未来的现金流和财务状况,以及小微企业所处供应链系统环境中的利益相关者对其信用风险的影响,以便掌握更多的资料,对小微企业的信用风险作出更加合理、公正的评价,以保证银行信贷的安全性,并有针对性的对小微企业信贷过程中的风险进行有效控制[7] 。 建立一套适合供应链金融下的小微企业的信用风险评价体系,对小微企业来讲,有利于小微企业合理分析和评价自身的综合实力,通过不断改善经营管理,提高自身的资信级别,便于商业银行等金融机构按照企业的经营管理水平和信用状况给予资金支持;对银行机构来讲,可以为商业银行确定贷款风险程度和信贷资产风险管理提供重要的依据,提高小微企业违约成本,从而降低信贷风险[8];同时为监管部门的监管提供参考依据。 笔者认为,银行等信贷机构在以人为本的业务发展理念基础上,应该尽量将一些环节规范化、制度化、标准化,特别是一些大型银行,可以凭借自己的技术优势,尝试建立和完善银行自身的信用评分模型和数据信息库,进行小微企业贷款的发放,这也是将来的趋势。 五.政府在解决小微企业信贷难题中的作用 小微企业在国民经济发展、就业问题解决、城镇化推进、区域差距缩小等方面具有重要的作用,但是面临融资难、融资成本高的困境。尤其是最近我国部分民营经济发达地区出现民间借贷利率飙升、民间借贷纠纷增加、小微企业融资困境恶化等问题,引发了各方关注。政府在其中该起什么作用,这是一个亟待回答的问题。从世界各国小微企业信贷的实践来看,大量的政府干预并没有取得明显的效果,甚至出现了“好心办坏事”的结果,那么政府应该怎么介入,补贴怎么花,这是关键。
1. 信息环境的完善。一方面,对于关系型借贷而言,目前较为成功的小微企业信贷主要是依赖于社会资本。社会资本的形成以及社会资本在软信息生产上具有明显的规模收益递增效应,这意味着政府的介入是必要的。另一方面,缺乏真实可信的财务报表是小微企业信息不透明的主要表现[9]。
2. 法律环境的完善。我国在民间借贷方面的立法也几乎是一篇空白。首先要从法律上对合法与不合法的民间借贷加以界定,特别是重新界定非法吸收公众存款、非法集资和正常的民间融资等概念的界限,从而为民间借贷提供合法化的平台,推动民间借贷的阳光化。其次,通过法律的方式明确主要合法民间借贷的定义、借贷主体双方的权利与义务、契约条款形式、交易方式等。第三,尽快从市场准入(包括注册资本金额度、从业资格认证)、产权结构、经营业务种类、规模与区域范围、监管、退出等方面对各类合法民间借贷中介加以规范。

率导致贷款收益无法弥补其成本,直接制约了微型企业信贷的供给。鉴于微型企业较高的资本回报率,覆盖成本和风险的市场化利率设定机制是商业化小微企业信贷的前提条件。同时,需要引入弹性利率制度安排,利率随借款人的风险、次数而调整,有助于降低银行经营风险和形成对小微企业的动态激励。 六.总结 在国内外复杂的经济形势下,中国多数小微企业经营状况不好,收益微薄,困难重重。小微企业关乎国计民生,关乎实体经济的健康发展。本文结合文献,分析了当前中国小微企业信贷发展中存在的各方面问题及原因,并提出了部分建议,希望其通过不断改善经营管理,提高自身的资信级别,便于商业银行等金融机构按照企业的经营管理水平和信用状况给予资金支持;对银行机构来讲,可以为商业银行确定贷款风险程度和信贷资产风险管理提供重要的依据,提高小微企业违约成本,从而降低信贷风险;同时为监管部门的监管提供参考依据。支持小微企业健康发展,对于中国经济克服国际金融危机影响,保持平稳较快发展,具有重要的战略意义。

A summary of the development of literature China Small and micro businesses credit
I. Introction Small and micro businesses plays a more and more important role in China's economic development.According to statistics, at present, the number of China'sSmall and micro businesses have been accounted for more than 99% of the total number of enterprises, covering allsectors of the national economy, their contribution to the GDP rate of more than 60%, the contribution of the tax rate is more than 50%, and provide 80% of urban jobs, has become a national priority among priorities economy.However, the shortage of funds, financing difficulties has restricted the development of Small and micro businessesgrow. On the one hand Small and micro businesses by itssmall scale, less fixed assets, the accounting system is not perfect and other problems, not to the bank to provide relevant materials need adequate collateral and bank; on the other hand, nonstandard management, system is not perfect, information opaque, insufficient credit also is the biggest obstacle to obtain loans from banks to small and micro enterprises. Taking this as the background, the author tries to summarize the opinion and suggestion to the main contributor to the field, and analyzing its theoretical logic, and strive to understand the Small and micro businesses, and then puts forward suggestions for credit.In particular, the whole process of development andevolution from micro enterprises, look, what is theparticularity of it? How can we be directed to an ideal future state? To roughly from what aspects? What is the counter measures and suggestions for specific? To provide some useful perspective this paper further hope for people seeking answers to the above questions. This paper reviewed the documents in accordance with the order ofthe object basically change the arrangement process.Around the three aspects of enterprises, banks and government discusses the status quo and difficulties Small and micro businesses, for the overall situation and trendshave a solid understanding of and to put forward some suggestions. Although the perspective of literature each are not identical, but are improving China Small and micro businesses face difficulties based on the original intention,firm the development foundation.
Two. Facing Small and micro businesses creditpredicament and cause the narrow channels of financing,financing difficulties. Small and micro businesses e to a weak position in the scale of investment, technology,competition and so on, access to and use of policy information channel is obstructed, ability is not strong,financing difficult to enjoy equal treatment with [1] in large and medium sized enterprises. At present Small and micro businesses financing channels mainly has four ways banks,small loan companies, Guarantee Corporation and private lending. Even if the state issued the relevant preferential policies to support Small and micro businesses financing,but the financing cost, the approval process based on the consideration of Small and micro businesses, or more inclined to friends and relatives lending to solve the financing demand, however, the size of funds is verylimited. According to Tian Yun in the economic research guide in the published article pointed out, the National Bureau of statistics sampling survey of 3.8 thousands of small micro enterprise management status, Small and micro businesses only 15.5% able to obtain bank loans, financing gap of nearly 30000000000 years, Small and micro businesses near 80% face financial strain [2]. Although the financing of small enterprises showing a "channel diversification, socialization, marketization of sourcebehavior" trend, but the overall scale is small, the fund is tight, strict conditions. Small and micro businesses in order to avoid the fund chain break, had to turn to private lending. Although the form of more folk loans, but loanshigh interest, harsh conditions, Small and micro businessesbecause of lack of funds difficult, many enterprises are closed down, stop proction, semi shutdown state, the boss frequently "Run away", impetuous.
Three. Small and micro businesses accounting agency risk management as an effective accounting solutions and newsocial accounting services, accounting agents are more and more Small and micro businesses favor. However,according to Chen Jun said, in the process of accounting,the related subject all want to make their own interests to maximize, and thus the game among the interests of subjects between [3]; at the same time, between accountingagency system is not perfect, the principal and theaccounting agency information asymmetry, accountingagency enters a doorsill low, staff service level not higherreasons, the accounting agency risks in many aspectsrelated to the subject: bring the financial management risk and operational risk management to Small and micro businesses, brings credit risk to accounting agency, bring economic benefits to the customer risk, brought to the country tax collection risk. So how to strengthen the Small and micro businesses accounting agency risk management,
Four. The credit Small and micro businesses banks based on China's current development Small and micro businesses loans are not ideal, apart from a few banks e to the right place at the right time



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