导航:首页 > 抵押担保 > 去银行抵押贷款的英文对话


发布时间:2024-11-28 15:46:13

A. 去银行用房产证抵押贷款 银行说要买基金和黄金之类的东西 这需要吗


B. 昨天去建设银行办房屋抵押贷款的事项,银行方面让我签下这份承诺书,我没签,请问这份承诺书可以签吗


C. 抵押贷款的英文

We are having difficulty keeping up our mortgage payments .
我们难以继续支付分期偿还的 抵押贷款 。

A bank is a creditor when it issues a $30,000 mortgage .
当银行发放一山明笔三万美元的房屋 抵押贷款 时,它是债权人。

This kind of bank loan is called a mortgage. famipes can take 30 years to pay off the mortgage .
这种银行贷款叫住房 抵押贷款 ,贷款要在三十年内还清。

America ' s residential mortgage market is huge
美国有著庞大的住宅 抵押贷款 市场。

I didn ' t know that you took out a second mortgage
我不知道你办了第二次 抵押贷款

I didn ' t know that you took out a second mortgage
我不知道你办了第二次 抵押贷款

We ' re paying out 300 pound a month on our mortgage
我们每月要付300英镑逗郑告 抵押贷款

We pfted the mortgage on the house last month
我们上个月付清了房屋的 抵押贷款 。

These loans make up about 7 % of all mortgages
这部分贷款占所有 抵押贷款 的7 % 。

These loans make up about 7 % of all mortgages
这些贷款约占所有 抵押贷款 的7 % 。

May i have your advice on mortgage loans
你能告诉我一些有关 抵押贷款 的事吗?

We ' re paying out 300 a month on our mortgage
我们每月要付300英镑 抵押贷款

Analysis for securitization of the mortgage real estate credit
浅析住房 抵押贷款 证券化

It took them one year to pay off the mortgage
他们花了一年付清 抵押贷款 。

She apppes all her money to her mortgage
她把所有的钱都用来付 抵押贷款 。

Completion of law system for mortgage - backed security
住房 抵丛蔽押贷款 证券化法律制度的完善

H *** c has cut back on second - pen loans
汇丰银行削减了二级资产 抵押贷款 。

Discussion on the securitization of home mortgage in china
浅谈我国的住房 抵押贷款 证券化

The cost and control of the home mortgage security
住房 抵押贷款 证券化的成本分析及其控制

Research on the issue of securitization of home mortgage
我国住房 抵押贷款 证券化问题研究

Problem in mortgage loan on housing and its countermeasure
住房 抵押贷款 中存在的问题与对策

I took out a fricking second mortgage so she could go
我办了第二次 抵押贷款 才能让她去读大学

Some problems on housing mortgage bond in china
我国住房 抵押贷款 证券化的品种选择及流程设计

On legal risk of real estate mortgage loans securitisation
论住房 抵押贷款 支持证券的法律风险

Get a loan against all the a equipment and capital
用环球航空所有的设备和资产做 抵押贷款

Choose fixed - interest mortgage repayments
选择固定利率的 抵押贷款 。

I took out a fricking second mortgage so she could go
我办了第二次 抵押贷款 才能让她去读大学

Get a ioan against aii the a equipment and capitai
用环球航空所有的设备和资产做 抵押贷款

Americans usually need a mortgage loan to buy a house
美国人通常需要 抵押贷款 来买一所房子。

These loans make up about seven percent of all mortgages
这些贷款占所有次级 抵押贷款 的70 % 。

Spooked by the subprime - mortgage mess
被次级 抵押贷款 的混乱所惊吓?

An approach to measuring provisions for collaterapsed lending
一个计算有 抵押贷款 拨备的方法

You will also need to apply for a mortgage loan from a bank
您还需要到银行申请房屋 抵押贷款 。

Option pricing of mortgage insurance
住房 抵押贷款 保证险的期权定价

We ' re having difficulty keeping up our mortgage payments
我们难以继续支付分期偿还的 抵押贷款

What kind of mortgage loan should you get
何种 抵押贷款 更适合你

Study on housing mortgage loan in china
我国住房 抵押贷款 创新研究

Section iii , study on the valuation model of mbs
第三部分研究房地产 抵押贷款 证券的定价方法。

These loans make up about seven percent of all mortgages
这些贷款约占所有 抵押贷款 的百分之七。

Payment model of personal housing mortgage loan and its apppcation
个人住房 抵押贷款 模式及应用

The path selection for china ' s housing - loan ' s securitization
我国住房 抵押贷款 证券化的路径选择

Not only have subprime losses hurt financial stocks
次级 抵押贷款 的损失不仅仅伤害到了金融股份。

The recent rise in interest rate have make mortgage dear
最近利率的上涨使得 抵押贷款 利率更高了。

These loans make up about seven percent of all mortgages
这些贷款弥补约百分之七的所有 抵押贷款 。

Risk ' s making and risk management of house ' s mortgage loan
住宅 抵押贷款 证券化的风险生成与风险管理

Mortgage risk evaluation based on *** ytic hierarchy process
基于层次分析法的住房 抵押贷款 风险评价

Discussion on risk of personal housing mortgage and the prevention
论个人住房 抵押贷款 的风险及防范

There are mortgages to purchase second - hand housing options
购买尚有 抵押贷款 的二手房有哪些办法?

The issuance of subprime - related cdos has plunged
次优 抵押贷款 相关的债务担保证券发行量急剧下降。

A research on prepayment behavior in home mortgage loans in china
我国住房 抵押贷款 提前还贷行为研究

D. 如何在银行办理抵押贷款








E. 高分求中译英:请帮忙翻译如下贷款合同协议(银行抵押贷款合同)


1.If the withdrawl day or repayment day designated falls on any non-business day of the financing bank, such withdarwl day shall be postponed for the next business day of the financing bank and a interest shall be chargeable ring the extension period.

2.Prepayment and Acceleration of maturity
A Short Term Loan may be repaid by the Client at any time prior to the e date.



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