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发布时间:2021-04-24 22:05:51

⑴ 住房抵押贷款的英文怎么说


home mortgage;housing mortgage loan;residential mortgage loan更多释义>>


住房抵押贷款 residential mortgage loan;housing mortgage loan;mortgage loan
住房抵押贷款证券 mortgage-backed securities;Non-Agency MBS;Mortgag-BackedSecu-rity
住房抵押贷款债券 housing mortgage loan bond

⑵ 担保协议 合同 英文翻译

In consideration of the following as:
1.The borrower A (hereinafter referred to the borrower for short) signed the Loan Contract(斜体,这里无法标示——译者注) on the 1 million dollars as the maximum limit with B (hereinafter referred to B for short) on January 1st, 2010 and, the expiring/expiration(2选1,下同) date of the contract was set on August 31st, 2011. C (hereinafter referred to C for short) is the guarantor for such loan contract.
2.The borrower and B have reached an agreement on extend the expiring/expiration date of the loan contract till August 31st, 2012.
Hereby C as the guarantor agrees to take warranty for the borrower and also undertake legal liabilities/responsibilities in accordance with the clauses below.


⑶ 高分求中译英:请帮忙翻译如下贷款合同协议(银行抵押贷款合同)


1.If the withdrawl day or repayment day designated falls on any non-business day of the financing bank, such withdarwl day shall be postponed for the next business day of the financing bank and a interest shall be chargeable ring the extension period.

2.Prepayment and Acceleration of maturity
A Short Term Loan may be repaid by the Client at any time prior to the e date.

⑷ 金融英语翻译

Dhawan. R., 2004,《公司级别的雇佣弹性》[亚特兰大]乔治亚州立大学。
Diamond, D. W. 1984,《财政仲裁与委派监督》,《经济研究回顾》51(3): 393-414。
(作者一栏是空的,没法翻译),1991.《监督与名誉:银行贷款与直接债务之间的选择》,《政治经济学期刊》99(4): 689-721
Freedman, P. L. 2004. 《有计划的贷款能确保刺激发展中国家的经济发展》[华盛顿特区]美国国际发展事物局(USAID)。
Stiglitz, J. E.和A. Weiss. 1981.《不完整信息条件下的市场信用配给》,《美国经济评论》71(3): 393-410.

⑸ 谁有个人住房借款抵押合同的英文版,急用!!!谢谢


A mortgage contract

抵 押 人:

He is worth:


The mortgagee:

为确保______年____月____日签定的____________(以下称主合同)的履行,抵押人(以下简称甲方)愿意以其有权处分的房地产作抵押。抵押权人(以下简称乙方)经实地勘验,在充分了解其权属状况及使用与管理现状的基础上,同意接受甲方的房地产抵押。甲方将房屋抵押给乙方时,该房屋所占用范围的土地使用权一并抵押给乙方。 双方本着平等、自愿的原则,同意就下列房地产抵押事项订立本合同,共同遵守。 第一条 甲方用作抵押的房地产座落于________区________街(路、小区)_____号_____栋_____单元_____层_____户号,其房屋建筑面_______m2,占地面积_______m2。 第二条 根据主合同,甲乙双方确认:债务人为____________________;抵押期限自______年____月_____至_____年____月____。 第三条 经房地产评估机构评估,上述房地产价值为人民币___________________________(大写),__________(小写)。根据主合同,双方确认:乙方债权标的额(本金):_________________(大写),__________(小写),抵押率为百分之__________。 第四条 甲方保证上述房地产权属清楚。若发生产权纠纷或债权债务,概由甲方负责清理,并承担民事诉讼责任,由此给乙方造成的经济损失,甲方负责赔偿。 第五条 乙方保证按主合同履行其承担的义务,如因乙方延误造成经济损失的,乙方承担赔偿责任。 第六条 抵押房地产现由___________________________使用。 甲方在抵押期间对抵押的房地产承担维修、养护义务并负有保证抵押房地产完好无损的责任,并随时接受乙方的检查监督。 在抵押期间因使用不当造成毁损,乙方有权要求恢复房地产原状或提供给乙方认可的新的抵押房地产,在无法满足上述条件的基础上,乙方有权要求债务人提前偿还本息。 第七条 抵押期间,甲方不得擅自转让、买卖、租赁抵押房地产不得重复设定抵押,未经乙方书面同意,发生上述行为均属无效。 第八条 抵押期间,甲方如发生分立、合并,由变更后承受抵押房地产方承担或分别承担本合同规定的义务。甲方被宣布解散或破产,乙方有要要求提前处分其抵押房地产。 第九条 在本合同有效期内,未经甲方同意,乙方变更主合同条款或延长主合同履行期限的,甲方可自行解除本合同。 第十条 本合同生效后,甲、乙任何一方不得擅自变更或解除合同,需要变更或解除本合同时,应经双方协商一致,达成书面协议,协议未达成前,本合同各条款仍然有效。 第十一条 本合同在执行中若发生争议,甲乙双方应采取协商办法解决或共同向仲裁机构申请调解或仲裁,不能协商或达不成仲裁意向时可向人民法院起诉。 第十二条 在抵押期间,抵押房地产被拆迁改造时,甲方必须及时告知乙方,且根据具体情况,变更抵押合同或以房地产拆迁受偿价款偿还乙方的本息,并共同到登记机关办理有关登记手续。 第十三条 抵押期满,如债务人不能偿还债务本息,又未与乙方达成延期协议的,按法定程序处理抵押房地产,清偿债务本息。处理抵押房地产所得价款不足以偿还债务本息和承担处理费用的,乙方有权另行追索;价款偿还债务本息后有剩余的,乙方应退还给甲方。 第十四条 本合同未尽事宜,按照房地产抵押管理规定及国家、省、市有关规定办理。 第十五条 本合同在双方签字盖章后,并经市房地产市场管理部门登记,方为有效。 第十六条 本合同一式三份,甲乙双方各执一份,房地产市场管理部门存档一份。 第十七条 双方商定的其它事项: 甲方(签章): 甲方(签章): 法定代表人: 法定代表人: 委托代理人: 委托代理人: 地 址: 地 址: 联系电话: 联系电话: 合同签定地点: 合同签定时间: 年 月 日

To ensure that in _____ _____ on sight, ____________ signed (hereinafter referred to as the main contract), the mortgagor performance (hereinafter referred to as party a) are willing to have the right to dispose of the real estate as a pledge. The mortgagee (hereinafter referred to as party b) based on the inquest, fully understanding the situation in the ownership and use and management on the basis of the current situation, agree to accept party a's real estate mortgage. Party a will mortgage to party b, the building occupies range of land use rights shall be mortgaged together to party b. Both sides in line with the principles of equality, voluntariness, agreed to the following matters of real estate mortgage enter into this contract, and abide by. Article 1 party a the mortgage of the real estate as the main propositions area is located in the main propositions street (road, area), the _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ building unit, the number of households face _______m2 housing construction, covers an area of _______m2. Article 2 the main contract, according to both parties confirm: debt ____________________ people; Since the mortgage term sight on the _____ _____ _____ years in _____ _____ to months. Article 3 the real estate appraisal institution assessment, the real estate value of RMB ___________________________ (capital), __________ (lowercase). According to the contract, both parties confirm: party b creditor's rights (principal) : I am grateful to bid (capital), __________ (small), mortgage rates for __________. Article 4 the real estate ownership clear party a guarantee. If has the property dispute or of creditor's rights debt, by party a will be responsible for clearing up, shall bear civil litigation and responsibility, thus the economic loss caused to party b, party a is responsible for compensation. Article 5 party b guarantees to the Lord to fulfill its obligations under the contract, such as the economic losses resulting from delay by party b, party b shall bear the liability for compensation. Article 6 the real estate mortgage is now ___________________________ use by. Party a in the mortgage of the real estate ring the mortgage to assume maintenance, maintenance obligations and guarantee for real estate mortgage in good condition, and to accept the responsibility of party b examination and supervision. During the mortgage in improper use of any damage, party b shall have the right to demand recovery real estate to the original state or to provide party b the new real estate, mortgage recognition in can't meet the above conditions, and on the basis of party b has the right to demand that the debtor to repay the principal and interest in advance. Article 7 ring the mortgage, party a shall not presumptuously transfer business, lease, mortgage real estate shall not repeat mortgages without party written agree, the occurrence of the above behavior be null and void. Article 8 ring the mortgage, if party a separation, merger, happened by after the change under real estate mortgage shall be liable for or separate undertaking the obligations prescribed by the contract. Party a has been dissolved or bankruptcy, party b has to ask for an advance action of their mortgages the real estate. Article 9 ring the effective period of this agreement, without the agreement of party a, party b change the terms of the contract or extend the time limit for performance of the contract, party a to terminate this contract. Article 10 after the contract comes into force, any one party, party a and party b shall not unilaterally modify or remove contract, need to change or cancel the contract, shall be subject to agreement through consultation between both parties reach a written agreement, did not come to an agreement, the contract before the terms still effective. Article 11 in the execution of this contract in the event of a dispute, both parties should take measures to solve or to negotiate the arbitration agency to apply for mediation or arbitration, can't negotiate, or reach an arbitration intentions can be when a people's court. Article 12 in ring the mortgage, mortgage real estate is the transformation, party a shall have timely inform party b, and according to the specific circumstances, modificatory guaranty contract or the price to be paid to the real estate repay the principal and interest of party b, and common to the registration authority for the relevant registration. Article 13 the expiration of the mortgage, such as the principal and interest can't pay back the debt, and fails to reach the agreement with party b extension, according to legal proceres of real estate, mortgage debts of principal and interest. Deal with the proceeds to real estate mortgage debt principal and interest and bear the cost of treatment, party b has the right to be reimbursed; The price of the remaining debt after the principal and interest, party b should be returned to party a. Article 14 the issues unmentioned in the contract, according to real estate mortgage management regulations and national, provincial, municipal regulations concerned. Article 15 in this contract upon signature and seal of both parties, and the city real estate market management department registration, in order to be valid. Article 16 the contract is in three copies, one for each party holding a real estate market management department, file a . Article 17 the mutually agreed other matters: party a (signature) : party a (signature) : the legal representative: legal representative: appoint agents: attorney: to address: to address: the telephone number: the telephone number: contract signed contract location: time: years may

⑹ 抵押贷款的英文,抵押贷款的翻译,怎么用英语翻译抵押

n. 抵押
v. 抵押
英 [ləʊn] 美 [loʊn]
抵押贷款:mortgage loan
[经]loan against collateral; loan on collateral security; loan on mortgage; loan on security
Thousands of its customers are in arrears with loans and mortgage payments
They find a house, agree a price, and take out a mortgage through their building society.

⑺ 办理贷款担保和贷款抵押 英语怎么说

Loan guarantee and mortgage
[ləʊn] [gær(ə)nˈtiː] [ənd; (ə)n; ænd] [ˈmɔːgɪdʒ]
[lon] [,ɡærənˈti] [ənd, ən,ænd] [ˈmɔrɡɪdʒ]

⑻ MBS(抵押贷款债券),CDO(组合抵押债券)的英文全称是什么

MBS:Mortgage-Backed Security, 抵押支持债券或者抵押贷款证券化。MBS是最早的资产证券化品种。最早产生于60年代美国。
CDO:(Collateralized Debt Obligation,担保债务凭证),资产证券化家族中重要的组成部分。它的标的资产通常是信贷资产或债券。这也就衍生出了它按资产分类的重要的两个分支:CLO(Collateralised Loan Obligation)和CBO(Collateralised Bond Obligation)。前者指的是信贷资产的证券化,后者指的是市场流通债券的再证券化。但是它们都统称为CDO。



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