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发布时间:2024-05-19 19:43:20

① 各种“贷款”的英文词汇

instrial loan
agricultural loan
outstanding loans
loan office
interest-free loans
ficiary loan
special-purpose loan


② 璐锋 鑻辨枃








③ 贷款 英文怎么说

贷款: [ dài kuǎn ]

1. loan
2. to (provide a) loan

<credit (CR;CRD)> <accommodation> <borrowing> <lend> <loans> <lent> <lending>

1. 你什么时候付清最后一期分期贷款?
When will you pay the last installment of the loan?

2. 这家银行现在给客户贷款比以前多了。
The bank is accommodating its customers more than it used to.

3. 银行拒绝再贷款给这家公司。
The bank refused further credits to the company.

4. 他们贷款收多少利息?
How much interest do they charge on loans?

5. 只需一笔贷款就能帮我摆脱困境。
A loan of money would help me out of my predicament.

6. 他不得不将土地抵押来申请贷款。
He will have to mortgage his land for a loan.

7. 他设法弄到一笔贷款买了一栋房子。
He managed to secure a loan to purchase a house.

8. 他向银行经理提出贷款问题。
He broached the subject of a loan with his bank manager.

④ 网络借贷风险英语作文

1, the virtual network transactions, leading to the credit status of the credit of the two sides can not be certified, prone to fraud and arrears of default dispute.
2, a large number of network platform release of lending information, there are many in the loan company, Finance Companies and other names of foreign loans. And in fact must by approval of the national financial institutions engaged in the credit financing and other financial services, unauthorized engaged in financial activities often because of "illegal fund-raising", "illegal absorb public deposits", disrupt the order of financial management and be held liable.
3, if loans through network platform issued, so in network platform of lax discipline, failure or internal control proceres, or being the case may appear fabricating borrower information and the case of illegal fund-raising.

⑤ 贷款的英文是什么

provide a loane ,xtend credit to

⑥ online loan英语作文

写作思路:围绕“online loan”借贷的中心思想,结合自身感受得描述,正文:

Ever since colleges started to charge the students for the ecation they receive, there has always been a problem for some students, especially for those from remote rural regions.

to get the money for it.


So the government offers them an option of borrowing money from banks. Surveys show that the number of students financing his ecation in this way is increasing.


However, some students, although not many, failed to pay back the loans as they had promised in the contract.

The banks have a very hard time coping with this problem. And the government can do nothing effective to help the banks.


I think there is more than one reason for this. Dishonesty may be one but not the major one.

As is known, we are experiencing a particular phase of economic development where the supply of human resources is much bigger than the demand for it.


So many students are not able to find a well-paid job. How can they pay the loans back?

To solve this problem, I think the government should make efforts to get the whole economy go smoothly, creating more job opportunities.


online loan翻译是:网上贷款



⑦ p to p贷款什么意思


P2P即Peer to Peer,个人对个人,peer在英语里有"(地位、能力等)同等者"、"同事"和"伙伴"等意义。这里两个P,其中的一个P,是指的银行不愿意或者无法贷款、但却急需资金的“次级”客户;另一个P,指的是缺乏理财渠道的个人投资者。把双方连接起来,提供服务的,就是互联网P2P平台,通过互联网P2P平台贷款的就是P2P贷款。



⑧ 互联网信贷的英语作文

Internet revolution to finance, in general, it can be divided into two parts: the Internet and Internet technology thinking, both similar to the relationship between the world outlook and methodology, assisted each other and penetration.
Internet technology deeper perspective of specific interpretation can be divided into: big data, P2P networks and all organizations on both sides of the market. Where big data is one of the most important factors. Financial no similar kind of physical proction, warehousing, logistics and other processes,
However, the data itself is the proction, storage, mining, transport, analysis and integration. So big data for financial purposes, compared to other instries, is undoubtedly much greater influence. Big Data, is thinking of the three pillars of technology and data. Big data refers not only to large-scale data, it is above all change a way of thinking, followed by the processing of these data and applications, data, processing technology and application of a list of the unification process technology, finally, big data provided must be sufficient interworking data itself.
Thinking big data will change the traditional thinking financial operations, it will change the first mortgage finance credit culture instry, promote and mainstream credit liquidity possible. In particular, China's financial instry has deep-rooted culture mortgage, the loan process in heavily dependent on the collateral, which is a very important reason for SMEs to get loans and services. Cultural let mortgage loan service provider in mind when considering simple and crude. Consider the core mortgage lenders is to determine the value of goods, to ensure that there is a corresponding value space.



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