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A. 跪求一篇关于个人住房抵押贷款的外文文献 最好附上翻译,谢谢


B. 急求关于消费信贷的英文文献及其翻译!!3000字母就够!!!急求!!!多悬赏分!!!!

Consumer credit counseling services offer “real” credit counseling with thoughtful solutions to help you get out of debt. Our services include debt management plans, credit counseling, bill consolidation programs and credit restoration resources that anyone in financial trouble can use. There are many ways to resolve financial difficulties and debt management plans or credit counseling are just a few ways we can help.

C. 跪求有关银行信贷的外文文献~最好附中文翻译的~~

China's fast-evolving consumer finance market
1. Footnote
China's consumer finance instry lags far behind the economy as a whole. In 2007, consumer finance balances still came to less than 13 percent of GDP, below India and far below Singapore and South Korea. Should recent growth rates persist, consumer lending promises to exceed 8 trillion renminbi ($1.2 trillion) by 2014, up from today's 3.7 trillion renminbi.( n1) But that calculation understates the market's latent potential. If consumer lending on the mainland rose to Taiwan's level, for instance, the shift could unleash as much as 10 trillion renminbi in net new consumption over the next five years--an enormous opportunity for banks and retailers.
China's people now have limited credit options. Mortgages account for 90 percent of lending to consumers, who have few choices in key proct areas, such as auto loans, credit cards, and personal loans. But the market has grown rapidly in recent years. Credit card issuance is skyrocketing, from 3 million cards in 2003 to 128 million by the end of 2008. Indeed, card issuance could surpass 300 million by 2013. Similarly, unsecured personal loans and installment loans, long the domain of underground lenders, have grown at an annual rate of 33 percent since 2006, to 744 billion renminbi, as leading domestic banks and consumer finance specialists strengthened their risk-management capabilities.
For foreign and local lenders jockeying for position in China's fast-evolving consumer finance market, we see several keys to success.
1. Recognize the market's diversity. China is a collection of local markets, each at a different stage of development, with distinct risk profiles and unique consumer preferences. These markets generally evolve through three stages of development: nascent (such as Sichuan), emerging (Jiangsu), and maturing (Shanghai). Lenders should take a portfolio view, focusing on the most promising markets, but with enough diversity to capture the next wave of growth.
2. Find a proct portfolio that matches consumer preferences. In a sense, consumer-lending procts are fungible. Many consumers balance their savings and borrowing in the aggregate, not by indivial procts. Some countries (such as South Korea) have high levels of credit card usage; others rely more on cash and personal loans. In the present early stage, the ultimate proct balance in China remains to be determined. Finding the right mix may prove crucial to success in China's fast-growing market.
3. Know the rules and their evolution. New regulations issued by Chinese banking regulators in the spring of 2009 give local and foreign banks and consumer finance specialists greater access to the market, in the form of consumer finance companies. While initially restricted to offering installment loans to retail customers with previous track records in borrowing, such companies will probably enable attackers to participate in the unsecured consumer-lending sector more quickly and at greater scale. In addition, the further deregulation of credit cards has allowed overseas banks to issue renminbi-based ones. These banks should target clear segments and develop the ability to serve the broader market.
Would-be players in such a new market must tread carefully. To assure responsible lending and borrowing, the government must strengthen credit bureaus, improve financial ecation, support 'new to credit' procts (for instance, low-limit or collateralized credit cards), and allow consumer finance balances to be securitized. Regulators and lenders must work together to improve risk management, especially the ability to identify and address organized fraud. The government must become better at spotting national and local credit bubbles.
China can manage the risks and has ample room to expand consumer credit--safely.

中国的消费金融业远远落后于整体经济。 2007年,消费信贷余额仍然发生了不到国内生产总值的百分之十三,低于印度,远远低于新加坡和韩国。如果最近的增长率持续下去,消费贷款承诺2014年将超过8万亿人民币(1.2万亿美元),从今天的3.7万亿人民币。(n1)重的计算,但低估了市场的潜能。如果消费者在大陆的贷款上升到台湾的水平,例如,这种变化可能引发在未来5年高达10万亿人民币的净新的消费多 - 为银行和零售商的巨大机会。
中国可以管理风险,有足够的空间,扩大消费信贷 - 安全。

D. 跪求有关银行信贷对经济发展的影响的外文文献以及中文翻译

中国的消费金融业远远落后于整体经济。 2007年,消费信贷余额仍然发生了不到国内生产总值的百分之十三,低于印度,远远低于新加坡和韩国。如果最近的增长率持续下去,消费贷款承诺2014年将超过8万亿人民币(1.2万亿美元),从今天的3.7万亿人民币。(n1)重的计算,但低估了市场的潜能。如果消费者在大陆的贷款上升到台湾的水平,例如,这种变化可能引发在未来5年高达10万亿人民币的净新的消费多 - 为银行和零售商的巨大机会。
中国可以管理风险,有足够的空间,扩大消费信贷 - 安全。

E. 消费信贷风险管理 外文文献




Consumer Credit Risk Management
Most companies involved in lending to consumers have departments dedicated to the measurement, prediction and control of losses e to credit risk. This field is loosely referred to consumer/retail credit risk management, however the word management is commonly dropped.

[edit] Scorecards
See full article (Credit Scorecards)

A common method for predicting credit risk is through the credit scorecard. The scorecard is a statistically based model for attributing a number (score) to a customer (or an account) which indicates the predicted probability that the customer will exhibit a certain behaviour. In calculating the score, a range of data sources may be used, including data from an application form, from credit reference agencies or from procts the customer already holds with the lender.

The most widespread type of scorecard in use is the application scorecard, which lenders employ when a customer applies for a new credit proct. The scorecard tries to predict the probability that the customer, if given the proct, would become "bad" within a given timeframe, incurring losses for the lender. The exact definition of what constitutes "bad" varies across different lenders, proct types and target markets, however examples may be "missing three payments within the next 18 months" or "default within the next 12 months". The score given to a customer is usually a three or four digit integer, and in most cases is proportional to the natural logarithm of the odds (or logit) of the customer becoming "bad". In general a low score indicates a low quality (a high chance of going "bad") and a high score indicates the opposite.

Other scorecard types may include behavioural scorecards - which try to predict the probability of an existing account turning "bad"; propensity scorecards - which try to predict the probability that a customer would accept another proct if offered one; and collections scorecards - which try to predict a customer's response to different strategies for collecting owed money.

[edit] Credit Strategy
Credit strategy is concerned with turning predictions of customer behaviour (as provided by scorecards) into a decision whether to accept their custom.

To turn an application score into a Yes/No decision "cut-offs" are generally used. A cut-off is a score at and above which customers have their application accepted and below which applications are declined. The placement of the cut-off is closely linked to the price (APR) that the lender is charging for the proct. The higher the price charged, the greater the losses the lender can enre and still remain profitable. So, with a higher price the lender can accept customers with a higher probability of going "bad" and can move the cut-off down. The opposite is true of a lower price. Most lenders go further and charge low scoring customers a higher APR than high scoring customers. This compensates for the added risk of taking on poorer quality business without effecting the lender's place in the market with better quality borrowers. In the UK, lenders must advertise a typical rate, which at least 66% of customers must receive.

Application score is also used as a factor in deciding such things as an overdraft or credit card limit. Lenders are generally happier to extend a larger limit to higher scoring customers than to lower scoring customers, because they are more likely to pay borrowings back. Alongside scorecards lie policy rules which apply regulatory requirements (such as making sure there is no lending to under 18s) and other lending policy (such as many lenders will not lend to customers who have a CCJ registered against them). Credit Strategy is also concerned with the ongoing management of a customer's account, especially with revolving credit procts such as credit cards, overdrafts and flexible loans, where the customer's balance can go up as well as down. Behavioural scorecards are used (usually monthly) to provide an updated picture of the credit-quality of the customer/account. As the customer's profile changes, the lender may choose to extend or contract the customer's limits.

[edit] Underwriting
Not all decisions can be made automatically through the methods mentioned above. This may be for a number of reasons; insufficient data, regulatory requirements, or a borderline decision. In such cases highly trained professionals called underwriters manually review the case and make a decision. This is more common in highly regulated procts such as mortgages, especially when large sums are involved.

F. 谁能给我1或2篇关于商业银行信贷风险管理或经营管理方面的外文文献

论文从经济风险及银行信贷风险管理的一般理论出发,阐明经济风险是现代市场经济的基本特征之一,而银行信贷风险是整个经济风险的集中反映。风险的本质在于收益与损失的可能性并存,因而对经济主体有激励效应与约束效应。商业银行经营的本质就是在风险的这种双重效应的制衡下,回避与防范风险,使风险降到自身可接受的程度,同时获取尽可能大的利润。由于信贷业务在银行经营及经济运行中的重要地位,银行的信贷风险控制就具有了特别重要的意义。目前,西文经济学界运用信息不对称理论,对银行信贷风险产生的原因, 已取得共识,即信息不对称下的逆选择和道德风险以及信息不完全的客观风险。文章还讨论了信贷风险管理与商业银行资产负债比例管理、资本充足率管理、内部控制的关系;并澄清了信贷风险管理认识上的一些误区。以上内容构成了本文的第一章。 文章的第二章首先比较了各种外部组织形式与风险管理效率的关系,指出外部组织形式并非影响信贷管理效率的决定性因素,而内部组织结构才是其中的关键因素。设计信贷风险管理组织结构的重点在于形成各部门之间的横向牵制和各级分支机构的纵向控制机制。西方商业银行经过长期经营发展,内部组织结构逐渐固化为三大功能块:市场块、操作块、管理块,分别行使市场开拓、业务操作、集中管理的职能,三者相互牵制、相互配合。这种组织设计思想体现在信贷业务上,就是审、贷、查三程序在组织结构上的彻底分离,即公司业务部、信贷评审部、风险管理部分别实施贷前调查、贷中审查、贷后检查职能,并且三个部门分别属于不同功能块,以此实现部门间的横向牵制。纵向控制主要是通过贷款决策权在上、下级机构之间进行分配实现的,即对集权型决策与分权型决策的选择;同时也包括在同一机构内,贷款决策权在个人与集体之间的分配,即对个人决策权与集体决策权的选择。文章用运组织管理学的基本原理,详细讨论了这两组共四种决策体制的优劣,指出单纯使用上述任何一种决策机制都存在明显的缺陷,因此现代商业银行都倾向于将集体决策与个人决策、集权型与分权型结合起来,采取以个人<WP=3>决策及分权为主的贷款审批授权制度。这是实行贷款审批授权制度的理论依据。 本文的第三章着重讨论了信贷风险管理的制度系统及其执行效率。组织控制理论认为,制度是保证组织功能优化及发挥、组织机构稳定的必要条件,因此信贷风险管理的一个根本前提是制定并执行严格科学的管理制度,把信贷风险的控制建立在制度保证的基础上。本章首先结合我国的实际情况,介绍了基准制度——信贷政策,指出我国各商业银行应尽快建立统一、完备的信贷政策,正确划分目标市场区域,确定统一的信贷标准和贷款发放原则,以充分发挥整体竞争实力,降低贷款风险。接着,文章用巴黎国际银行和加拿大皇家银行的实例说明了如何设计相互制约的信贷程序,并讨论了实施审、贷、查三分离制度的意义及原因。其次,引用招商银行的成功范例——弹性授权制阐释了贷款决策授权的原则及审批权限划分标准的确定。在第五节“贷款风险损失责任制”中,笔者提出了一种新的责任追查顺序,即反信贷程序的责任追查顺序,以加强各部门、各环节的相互制约,降低经营风险。本章还详细介绍了贷款风险管理的稽核与评价制度的程序与内容,指出内部稽核的权威性、独立性是保证制度系统有效的一个重要因素。在本章的最后,讨论了信贷风险管理的制度效率与银行经营观念的关系,指出,彻底转变经营观念,注重经营的稳健性和利润的长期性是提高我国银行信贷管理水平的当务之急。 信贷风险管理的技术与方法是信贷风险管理中的技术因素,科学有效的决策技术、信息传输系统是现代信贷风险管理的物质基础。我国信贷风险管理的薄弱点之一就是管理技术与方法的落后,因此本文第四章的主要目的就是通过介绍西方商业银行成熟的管理技术,为提高我国信贷风险管理技术提供一些借鉴。文章着重介绍了信贷风险的主要诱因----过度融资的技术分析方法,并提出了信用限额在实际业务中的测算与分析方法,围绕借款人信用可靠性、违约可能性的评估技术和经营状况变化及破产的介绍了工商贷款资信评分模型、消费信贷的资信评分模型等。在信贷风险管理信息系统中,着重讨论了运用信贷管理信息系统的意义、信贷管理信息系统的设计思想及维护其有效性的措施。最后,本章介绍了信贷风险挽救技术与策略,指出成立专门的风险挽救机构是化<WP=4>解我国巨额不良信贷资产的措施之一。 在第五章中,笔者提出信贷风险管理的核心是对人员的激励与控制的观点。现代管理理论认为一切管理归根结底是对人的管理,对人的行为的管理。信贷风险管理作为一种具体管理,其本质也是对人的管理。在信贷风险管理的四个子系统中,对人员的激励与控制系统居于支配地位,其它三个子系统直接或间接地为管理信贷人员服务。在对人的管理以孰为本的问题上,制度主义与行为主义基于对人性的不同假定,两者观点截然不同。前者强调制度、控制的作用,后者强调人的能动性,认为管理的重点在于从正面诱导员工的积极性、主动性。
The thesis sets out from the general theories of economic risks and banking credit risks management, to represent that economic risks are one of basic characters of modern market economy, and the banking credit risks are the focalization of the whole economic risks. The essence of risk is that the possibilities of proceeds and losses exist simultaneously, therefore encouraging meanwhile restricting the activities of main body of the market economy. The essence of commercial banks is to avoid and prevent risks under the balance of al effects of the risk so that risks can decline to an acceptable degree while proceeds is to be taken in as much as possible. At present, western economic instry has reached a consensus on the reasons of the exposure of banking credit risks by virtue of the information non-symmetry theory that risks stem from the adverse selection under the information non-symmetry and moral risks and objective risks arising from information insufficiency. In addition, this thesis discusses the relations between credit risks management and equity-debt ratio management, capital abundance ratio management and internal control respectively. It also clarifies some misunderstanding on credit risks management. The above-mentioned contents form Chapter One of this thesis. Chapter Two of this thesis first points out that the decisive factor of the efficiency of credit management is not the external organizational form but internal organization structure by comparing the relations between various external organizational forms and the efficiency of risks management. The emphases on designing organizational structure of credit risks management should be laid on the forming of the mechanism of lateral control between different divisions and the mechanism of vertical control on different levels of subsidiaries and affiliates. After long-term development, the internal organizational structure of western commercial banks has been shaped into three functional sections: market section, operation section and <WP=6>administration section, which exercise the functions of marketing, business operation, and centralized administration respectively, and furthermore, control one another, cooperate one another. This kind of idea about organizational design is embodied by the complete organizational division of these three steps of credit examination, approval and investigation in the credit operation that means the departments of business operation, credit examination and risk management, which belong to three different functional sections, respectively perform the functions of research before loan-providing, examination of credit application, and supervision after loan-providing, thereby, the lateral control between different departments can be effected. The vertical control is exercised through both the allotment of credit decision-making power between higher levels and lower levels of business departments that means to choose centralization or decentralization of power, and allotment of credit decision-making power between indivials and collectivity in a department that represents indivial or collective decision-making power. This thesis amply discusses the good and bad effect of these four kinds of decision-making systems under two groups by applying the fundamentals of organizational management, thereby indicating that solely using any one of four decision-making systems will bring on visible defects. Accordingly, modern commercial banks mostly intends to adopt the loan examining authorization system which joins the collective and indivial decision-making as well as centralization and decentralization together, but giving priority to indivial decision and decentralization of power. Chapter Three of this thesis puts emphases on credit risks management system and its executive efficiency. The organizational control theory deems that system is the necessary condition under which organizational functions can be optimized and exerted, meanwhile organizational institution being stabilized,

(美)卡尔-约翰·林捷瑞恩(Carl-JohanLindgren)等著; 潘康等译; 银行稳健经营与宏观经济政策[M]. 中国金融出版社, 1997

G. 关于大学生消费及其未来趋势的外文文献,最好带翻译,谢谢!




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