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The Economics of Small Business Finance:
The Roles of Private Equity and Debt Markets in the Financial Growth Cycle

Small Business Credit Availability: How Important is Size of Lender?

Bank Consolidation and Small Business Lending:
It’s Not Just Bank Size That Matters

Microcredit and the Poorest of the Poor:

Micro-Enterprise Credit Programs

『叁』 跪求有关银行信贷的外文文献~最好附中文翻译的~~

China's fast-evolving consumer finance market
1. Footnote
China's consumer finance instry lags far behind the economy as a whole. In 2007, consumer finance balances still came to less than 13 percent of GDP, below India and far below Singapore and South Korea. Should recent growth rates persist, consumer lending promises to exceed 8 trillion renminbi ($1.2 trillion) by 2014, up from today's 3.7 trillion renminbi.( n1) But that calculation understates the market's latent potential. If consumer lending on the mainland rose to Taiwan's level, for instance, the shift could unleash as much as 10 trillion renminbi in net new consumption over the next five years--an enormous opportunity for banks and retailers.
China's people now have limited credit options. Mortgages account for 90 percent of lending to consumers, who have few choices in key proct areas, such as auto loans, credit cards, and personal loans. But the market has grown rapidly in recent years. Credit card issuance is skyrocketing, from 3 million cards in 2003 to 128 million by the end of 2008. Indeed, card issuance could surpass 300 million by 2013. Similarly, unsecured personal loans and installment loans, long the domain of underground lenders, have grown at an annual rate of 33 percent since 2006, to 744 billion renminbi, as leading domestic banks and consumer finance specialists strengthened their risk-management capabilities.
For foreign and local lenders jockeying for position in China's fast-evolving consumer finance market, we see several keys to success.
1. Recognize the market's diversity. China is a collection of local markets, each at a different stage of development, with distinct risk profiles and unique consumer preferences. These markets generally evolve through three stages of development: nascent (such as Sichuan), emerging (Jiangsu), and maturing (Shanghai). Lenders should take a portfolio view, focusing on the most promising markets, but with enough diversity to capture the next wave of growth.
2. Find a proct portfolio that matches consumer preferences. In a sense, consumer-lending procts are fungible. Many consumers balance their savings and borrowing in the aggregate, not by indivial procts. Some countries (such as South Korea) have high levels of credit card usage; others rely more on cash and personal loans. In the present early stage, the ultimate proct balance in China remains to be determined. Finding the right mix may prove crucial to success in China's fast-growing market.
3. Know the rules and their evolution. New regulations issued by Chinese banking regulators in the spring of 2009 give local and foreign banks and consumer finance specialists greater access to the market, in the form of consumer finance companies. While initially restricted to offering installment loans to retail customers with previous track records in borrowing, such companies will probably enable attackers to participate in the unsecured consumer-lending sector more quickly and at greater scale. In addition, the further deregulation of credit cards has allowed overseas banks to issue renminbi-based ones. These banks should target clear segments and develop the ability to serve the broader market.
Would-be players in such a new market must tread carefully. To assure responsible lending and borrowing, the government must strengthen credit bureaus, improve financial ecation, support 'new to credit' procts (for instance, low-limit or collateralized credit cards), and allow consumer finance balances to be securitized. Regulators and lenders must work together to improve risk management, especially the ability to identify and address organized fraud. The government must become better at spotting national and local credit bubbles.
China can manage the risks and has ample room to expand consumer credit--safely.

中国的消费金融业远远落后于整体经济。 2007年,消费信贷余额仍然发生了不到国内生产总值的百分之十三,低于印度,远远低于新加坡和韩国。如果最近的增长率持续下去,消费贷款承诺2014年将超过8万亿人民币(1.2万亿美元),从今天的3.7万亿人民币。(n1)重的计算,但低估了市场的潜能。如果消费者在大陆的贷款上升到台湾的水平,例如,这种变化可能引发在未来5年高达10万亿人民币的净新的消费多 - 为银行和零售商的巨大机会。
中国可以管理风险,有足够的空间,扩大消费信贷 - 安全。

『肆』 跪求啊!!!!银行贷款风险 英文文献

The concept of Banks non-performing assets
1, the bank can't on time (according to the severity of the non-performing assets, can choose bank bankruptcy liquidation or according to the predetermined time limit), full specified amount (according to the predetermined rate) into the line of asset reorganization.
2, after the bank lending in the form of bank credit assets is not in conformity with the principle of safety, liquidity and profitability in overe, ll, bad condition and some of the loans at risk.
3, bank can't normal back or not to return the loan received.
4, refers to in a good operating state, not brings to the bank in time to normal interest income and even hard to recover the principal of bank assets, mainly refers to the non-performing loans, including subprime loan and its interest, suspicious and loss.
5, Banks can't timely get in interest income and withdraw the principal assets.
6, a good management of the state of the Banks' assets, primarily non-performing loan assets, the bank can't recover the principal and interest of the loan in a timely manner. Include: failed to recover overe loans, ll loans and non-performing loans.
[editor this paragraph]
The dangers of bad bank assets
The following harm done by the huge non-performing assets to the state-owned commercial Banks:
1. The influence the bank's capital turnover. Especially in the case of austerity or deposit landslide, Banks can't increase positions through loan recovery, often appear payment difficulties, affect bank reputation.
2. Thereby causing loss to the bank's assets. Even if a pawn can be converted into cash, but there is also a certain amount of money loss. Inventory assets restricts the turnover of funds, make the bank funds could not be applied to yield larger projects, the bank financing source is a kind of loss.
(3) leads to the deterioration of the bank's financial condition. The impact on the bank's financial bad assets is twofold. On the one hand, the more interest on the loan will not be repaid, the bank will pay this money according to the facts of the interest and other related expenses. On the other hand, the national financial system regulation, whether the interest paid in within a certain time, should be included in operating income. Therefore, the enterprise e to the more interest, bank virtual surplus real kui phenomenon is more serious.
4. Reasonable allocation of social resources. Capital is a leading factor, sedimentation configuration efficiency was unable to play, which directly affect the realization of the whole national economic benefits.
[editor this paragraph]
Management measures of non-performing assets of Banks
1. The formation of bad credit assets stripping system reason. National institutional debt of Banks and enterprises should take out a piece of institutional resources compensation, changed the loans to investment is the enterprise can't repay the bank loan to investment in the enterprise, is mainly refers to some of the national economy and people's livelihood and social stability of large enterprises loan defaults. 2. Professional shall carry out the corporate banking. Professional corporate bank, aims to establish property right clear, nobody is clear, from government administrative intervention, \"their own risks, and to balance, self-discipline, self-financing, self-development\" of the operating mechanism. Adhere to the principle of capital liquidity, safety and profitability, from the system to function all conform to the business principles of state-owned commercial Banks.
3. The construction of state-owned enterprise groups, to promote enterprise assets reorganization. Enterprise group is proced for the modern proctive scale economy requires a form of enterprise organization. Best proction scale, the lowest cost and benefit, it not only through the joint gathered huge proctivity, to proce a single enterprise is difficult to realize the combination effect of rapidly meet the requirements of modern economies of scale, at the same time, its organization, which fully reflects the flexible management of commodity economy. Have fast advanced development pattern, the enterprise group is faster than any other form of organization development, role in economic life.
Scale economic benefit, the intensive proction enterprise group company, there are two main ways: one is the implementation of indivial enterprise scale expansion, it is a corporate restructuring, through mergers and acquisitions and other forms. Powerful group co., LTD., and the latter has become adapted to market economy development request form the mainstream of group company.
The government's assets reorganization of enterprises work to strong leadership and planning, by way of joint venture, cooperation, grafting, restructuring and resources, to achieve resource restart, restructuring must implement the bank creditor's rights at the same time, in order to achieve the purpose of credit assets.
4. Strengthening the management of bank credit. Credit assets risk prevention and management of every loan credit investigation, loan review, post-loan inspection before, strengthen credit management must be carried out on loan management responsibility system. One is to clarify the responsibilities of relevant personnel, the establishment of President responsible for the system, the separation of approving system, hierarchical examination and approval system, leaving the audit system, so as to rece the management risk. 2 it is to correct their loans light tube phenomenon, achieve the fundamental transition from extensive to intensive management style, improve the level of management, improve the level of risk management, in particular, to prevent and rece new bad credit assets.
5. In accordance with the loan. First of all, from the legal safeguard the autonomy of commercial Banks and the legitimate rights and interests, put an end to the government's administrative intervention of Banks; Next, want to support the bank to collect the loan principal and interest, if necessary, by means of the law, for enterprises to evade the debt restructuring of the machine or not also rich, covert auction erosion bank assets such as mortgage goods, behavior, and to maintain the legitimate rights and interests of the bank.


『伍』 有关消费信贷的外国文献一篇


『陆』 亲,急求关于 民间借贷 ,或 借贷 的外文文献 有翻译的更好

  1. 民间借贷,泛指在国家依法批准设立的金融机构以外的自然人、法人及其他组织等经济主体之间的资金借贷活动。民间借贷具有制度层面的合法性,是正规金融有益和必要的补充。民间借贷的利率可以适当高于银行的利率,各地人民法院可根据本地区的实际情况具体掌握,但最高不得超过银行同类贷款利率的4倍。

  2. 民间借贷热点问题及纠纷






  3. 借贷特点






  4. 优势分析


    这种形式也就是民间常见的“帮困济贫”,主要是城乡居民、个体私营企业主之间用自有闲置资金进行的无偿或有偿的相互借贷行为。相互熟悉、相互信任的借贷双方直接见面,约定借款金额、期限、利息,由口头约定、或打个借条,用于个人之间,主要是亲友之间临时性资金调剂,金额从几百元到数万元,企业之间金额由数万元到数百万元,有的民间抵押借款甚至单笔达上千万元。 民间贷款公司借贷借款期限灵活,有不定期、几天、几个月,借贷双方私交好时期限可以长达几年。互助型借贷基本不考虑盈利或只有微小利益。民间贷款的用途主要是解决生活、生产急需。






  5. 利息利率










『柒』 消费信贷风险管理 外文文献




Consumer Credit Risk Management
Most companies involved in lending to consumers have departments dedicated to the measurement, prediction and control of losses e to credit risk. This field is loosely referred to consumer/retail credit risk management, however the word management is commonly dropped.

[edit] Scorecards
See full article (Credit Scorecards)

A common method for predicting credit risk is through the credit scorecard. The scorecard is a statistically based model for attributing a number (score) to a customer (or an account) which indicates the predicted probability that the customer will exhibit a certain behaviour. In calculating the score, a range of data sources may be used, including data from an application form, from credit reference agencies or from procts the customer already holds with the lender.

The most widespread type of scorecard in use is the application scorecard, which lenders employ when a customer applies for a new credit proct. The scorecard tries to predict the probability that the customer, if given the proct, would become "bad" within a given timeframe, incurring losses for the lender. The exact definition of what constitutes "bad" varies across different lenders, proct types and target markets, however examples may be "missing three payments within the next 18 months" or "default within the next 12 months". The score given to a customer is usually a three or four digit integer, and in most cases is proportional to the natural logarithm of the odds (or logit) of the customer becoming "bad". In general a low score indicates a low quality (a high chance of going "bad") and a high score indicates the opposite.

Other scorecard types may include behavioural scorecards - which try to predict the probability of an existing account turning "bad"; propensity scorecards - which try to predict the probability that a customer would accept another proct if offered one; and collections scorecards - which try to predict a customer's response to different strategies for collecting owed money.

[edit] Credit Strategy
Credit strategy is concerned with turning predictions of customer behaviour (as provided by scorecards) into a decision whether to accept their custom.

To turn an application score into a Yes/No decision "cut-offs" are generally used. A cut-off is a score at and above which customers have their application accepted and below which applications are declined. The placement of the cut-off is closely linked to the price (APR) that the lender is charging for the proct. The higher the price charged, the greater the losses the lender can enre and still remain profitable. So, with a higher price the lender can accept customers with a higher probability of going "bad" and can move the cut-off down. The opposite is true of a lower price. Most lenders go further and charge low scoring customers a higher APR than high scoring customers. This compensates for the added risk of taking on poorer quality business without effecting the lender's place in the market with better quality borrowers. In the UK, lenders must advertise a typical rate, which at least 66% of customers must receive.

Application score is also used as a factor in deciding such things as an overdraft or credit card limit. Lenders are generally happier to extend a larger limit to higher scoring customers than to lower scoring customers, because they are more likely to pay borrowings back. Alongside scorecards lie policy rules which apply regulatory requirements (such as making sure there is no lending to under 18s) and other lending policy (such as many lenders will not lend to customers who have a CCJ registered against them). Credit Strategy is also concerned with the ongoing management of a customer's account, especially with revolving credit procts such as credit cards, overdrafts and flexible loans, where the customer's balance can go up as well as down. Behavioural scorecards are used (usually monthly) to provide an updated picture of the credit-quality of the customer/account. As the customer's profile changes, the lender may choose to extend or contract the customer's limits.

[edit] Underwriting
Not all decisions can be made automatically through the methods mentioned above. This may be for a number of reasons; insufficient data, regulatory requirements, or a borderline decision. In such cases highly trained professionals called underwriters manually review the case and make a decision. This is more common in highly regulated procts such as mortgages, especially when large sums are involved.

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